Microsoft word find and replace mac
Microsoft word find and replace mac

microsoft word find and replace mac

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microsoft word find and replace mac

Again in open find and replace dialogue and in “Find what” type “++2++” and in “Replace with” type “Replace All” to replace all instances at once.Note that ++2++ is dummy text and you can use any other unique text. In Find what type CO2 and in Replace with type CO++2++.Word user on Mac can use keyboard shortcut “Shift + Command + H” Open “ Find and Replace” dialogue box by navigating Home > Replace or using “Ctrl + H” (Windows).Then in the next step replace that unique text with desired subscript/superscript First step involves replacing the subscript or superscript text with a unique text. Method 1: Using Format option in Find and Replace (for more general way see Method 2) Ms Word provides a couple of different ways to achieve it. find and replace tool of Word treats CO 2 as CO2. In-fact, find and replace tool treats subscript as normal text i.e. She noted we could not replace text with subscript or superscript using standard Find and Replace option. Jane has a big Ms Word document where she wants to replace CO2 with CO 2.

Microsoft word find and replace mac